Nethermorphs Minting Guide For Collectors



Nethermorphs summoning is finally here!

We are stoked to artistically expand the Omnimorphs narrative universe with the antagonists Omnimorphs deserve!

Below, we’ll walk you through the practical steps of obtaining your Nethermorphs.

Collection stats:

  • 777 NFTs in total
  • 100 offered to existing Omnimorph and OmniTotem holders, in exchange for OmniTotems (this is the topic of this article)
  • 677 offered for art book purchasers, along with their physical copy of the book
  • There are two tiers: regular and rare
  • The two tiers have different trait sets
  • The ratio is 80% regular, 20% rare
  • Minor rarity differences exist amongst same-tier digital collectibles as well

The Summoning:

  • It will go on for two weeks (from the 25th of October 2023 to the 8th of November 2023)
  • Distribution will be done in 2 weekly installments, with half of the supply being distributed each week
  • Will resemble an auction system: collectors can bid a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 OmniTotems
  • They’ll also have to use one of their Omnimorphs to bid
  • Bidding is gasless, you only need to spend gas to claim your Nethermorphs if you win
  • In case of a winning bid, OmniTotems used to bid are burned in the transaction, while the Omnimorph remains, but cannot be used for bidding in the next summoning installment
  • Multiple bids can be submitted each week, but you cannot use the same OmniTotem or Omnimorph to bid twice
  • The ratio of regulars and rares distributed during the two-week summoning period is 60% regular, and 40% rare, so twice the amount of rares compared to the total collection

The ranking of bids is as follows:

  • Each totem that you use to bid is one ticket
  • If the Omnimorph you used to bid is fused, it’s an additional ticket
  • Bids are ranked by the amount of tickets, bids with the same ticket amount are ranked randomly
  • Each week, the top 50 bids with the highest amount of tickets will be eligible to mint a Nethermorph
  • From these 50 bids, the top 40% with the most amount of tickets will mint rares, and the rest will mint regulars.

Step-by-step minting guide

1) Visit

You’ll be prompted to connect your wallet and sign a message that proves you have control over the wallet you’re using to bid.

You’ll see a list of Summoning Weeks and if summoning has already started, one of them will be highlighted as “Live Now”. Clicking on “Start ritual” takes you to the next screen.

2) Submit your bid(s)

You’ll see a screen where you’ll be able to add an Omnimorph and a maximum of 3 totems to your current bid.

You’ll be able to select them for each slot using a popup selector window. The small icon in the lower-left corner of an Omnimorph artwork indicates that it is fused (remember, fused Omnimorphs give you an additional ticket).

After selecting every NFT for your bid, click “Submit bid”.

3) Browsing/deleting your bids

You can see your submitted bids by clicking on the “edit” link in the lower-left corner of the bidding screen after you have submitted at least 1 bid for the current summoning week.

Here you see a table of your bids for the current week, and you can delete either one that you’re not happy with. You can then use these NFTs again to create new bids.

4) Claiming your winnings

When the summoning week ends, we’ll calculate the winners. You’ll see the following state on the Nethermorphs Summoning landing page during the calculation.

After winners are calculated, and you’ve won tokens, you can proceed to the claim page.

Before claiming for the first time, you need to approve the summoning contract to access your totems. This is to ensure the burning can be executed in the same transaction as minting the Nethermorph NFTs.

MetaMask will display a warning that your NFTs might be at risk, which is generally true, and you should be skeptical of signing any such transaction, however, here this approval is a requirement.

It’s important, that you’re ONLY approving the summoning contract to handle your OmniTotems, so it does not concern any of your other NFTs.

After the approval succeeds, you’ll be able to mint all your winnings in one transaction.

You’ll also be able to verify how many totems you’ll burn, which ones exactly, and how many regular and rare nethermorphs you’ll mint.

For transparency, here are the verified smart contracts used in this process:

Nethermorphs (the ERC721 contract where Nethermorphs “live”)
Summoning (the contract in charge of minting/burning)

That is all! We hope you are as excited about Nethermorphs as we are. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us over our Discord channel!



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